The Results Are In: Meet the Animals & Ales Pet Photo Contest Winners
The Animals & Ales Pet Photo Contest has officially come to a close! Over $170,000 raised for animals in need.
The Animals & Ales Pet Photo Contest has officially come to a close! Over $170,000 raised for animals in need.
Veterinarians Without Borders North America (VWB) is excited to announce the winners of its Animals and Ales Pet Photo Contest. Over $170,000 was raised for animals in need.
This article highlights the hidden impact of parasites in livestock, showcasing how VWB’s One Health initiatives in parasite prevention, veterinary training, and community education help protect farmers’ livelihoods, strengthen food security, and reduce zoonotic disease risks.
Since 2005, we've been building and working towards one big picture goal—healthy animals, people, and environments worldwide.
Since our humble beginnings in Guelph, Ontario, Veterinarians Without Borders has expanded to work in over a dozen countries around the world. We invite you to become a part of our big picture journey toward making our world a healthier place - one animal at a time.
Thanks to the dedication, commitment and generosity of our volunteers, our donors and our sponsors, and our Board and staff, we’ve come a long way toward big picture solutions.
Through donating, you can become a part of our successes and join the big picture of facilitating healthy animals, healthy people and a healthy planet.
Training that improves and empowers communities.
Improving the nutrition and livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
Increasing community health and combatting malnutrition
Improving food security for rural farm families