Accountability & Transparency | Veterinarians Without Borders
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Accountability & Transparency

Rice field in Vietnam.

Learn how VWB is striving to be transparent and accountable.

Our Commitment 

Veterinarians Without Borders North America (VWB) is committed to upholding the highest standards of accountability and transparency in all our operations. Guided by our values and ethical principles, we ensure that our partners, stakeholders, and the communities we serve have a voice in planning, implementing, and evaluating our work.

Ensuring Quality and Accountability

VWB is dedicated to meeting international standards of quality and accountability. We focus on ensuring that our actions are transparent, ethical, and inclusive. Our Program Information and Impact Reporting System monitors the progress of our global impact goals, and our organizational data is published in our Annual Report.

We emphasize integrating humanitarian accountability standards in our relief and emergency response work, ensuring that the particular needs of disaster-affected populations are met with integrity and respect.

Transparency in Information Sharing

Being accountable means sharing information in a transparent way. We publish a substantial amount of information online, including strategic plans, annual reports, advocacy policy reports, program reports, research reports, external evaluations, and media releases. Our Information Disclosure Policy defines the types of information that must remain confidential due to legal, operational, safety, and security considerations.

Policies That Guide Our Work

We adhere to several key policies that guide our ethical and transparent operations:

  • Gender Equality Policy: This ensures that all individuals have equal opportunities and are treated with respect, regardless of gender.
  • Whistleblower Policy: We encourage staff and volunteers to raise concerns about violations of laws or policies without fear of reprisals.
  • Sexual Misconduct Policy: VWB has a zero-tolerance stance towards sexual misconduct, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all.
  • Code of Ethics Policy: This policy emphasizes ethical standards and behaviours expected from all individuals associated with VWB.
  • Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy: We are serious about preventing, identifying, and addressing fraud and corruption, maintaining the integrity of our operations.
  • Website and Data Privacy Policy: We take the privacy of our supporters and website visitors seriously. Learn how we're protecting your data.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement: We encourage feedback on our policies and practices and are committed to continuous monitoring and improvement of our efforts. All stakeholders have the right to provide feedback, including complaints, and to receive a response.

Questions about our commitment to accountability and transparency? Email us at to learn more.

Your Support Means Everything

Veterinarians Without Borders North America/Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Amérique du Nord couldn't do the work we do without your support. Whether it's a financial donation or a donation of your time, by improving the health of animals you will be working to improve the health and quality of life for people throughout the world.


Stories From Around The World

Ask an Expert:

Ask an Expert: "What's it like running an animal shelter in Ukraine?" with Iryna Podvoyska

Our latest expert is Iryna Podvoyska, manager of the Patron Pet Center in Ukraine — one of VWB's on-the-ground partners. Originally a veterinarian from Kharkiv — which has become a frontline area — Iryna has since relocated to Kyiv where the Center was officially launched in 2023.

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Interested in Volunteering Overseas? Join us for Brunch on September 21 in Montreal

Interested in Volunteering Overseas? Join us for Brunch on September 21 in Montreal

Are you passionate about making a difference on a global scale? Do you dream of volunteering overseas and empowering communities in need? Then mark your calendars for an event you won't want to miss...

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Mpox: A Global Health Challenge and the Case for a One Health Approach

Mpox: A Global Health Challenge and the Case for a One Health Approach

This article provides an overview of the current Mpox outbreak in the DRC, detailing what Mpox is, how it spreads, prevention strategies, and the critical role of human-animal-environment interactions in the spread and management of zoonotic diseases like Mpox.

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  • I have seen first-hand the benefits of capacity building and gender empowerment for smallholder livestock farmers, and stakeholders in the livestock sector.
    - Dr. Shauna Richards

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