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Stories From Around The World

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Ask an Expert: "What's it like running an animal shelter in Ukraine?" with Iryna Podvoyska

Our latest expert is Iryna Podvoyska, manager of the Patron Pet Center in Ukraine — one of VWB's on-the-ground partners. Originally a veterinarian from Kharkiv — which has become a frontline area — Iryna has since relocated to Kyiv where the Center was officially launched in 2023.

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Interested in Volunteering Overseas? Join us for Brunch on September 21 in Montreal

Interested in Volunteering Overseas? Join us for Brunch on September 21 in Montreal

Are you passionate about making a difference on a global scale? Do you dream of volunteering overseas and empowering communities in need? Then mark your calendars for an event you won't want to miss...

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Mpox: A Global Health Challenge and the Case for a One Health Approach

Mpox: A Global Health Challenge and the Case for a One Health Approach

This article provides an overview of the current Mpox outbreak in the DRC, detailing what Mpox is, how it spreads, prevention strategies, and the critical role of human-animal-environment interactions in the spread and management of zoonotic diseases like Mpox.

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  • My voluntary assignments in Ghana for the past three years have dramatically improved animal production in terms of reducing mortality and increasing the size of the herd/flock.
    - Joseph Ansong-Danquah

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