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Veterinarians Without Borders Canada launches Animals and Ales Photo Contest, in partnership with Fixed Gear Brewing Co. and Luppolo Brewing Co., in support of animals in need

Veterinarians Without Borders Canada launches Animals and Ales Photo Contest, in partnership with Fixed Gear Brewing Co. and Luppolo Brewing Co., in support of animals in need

Is your pet a star? In celebration of World Veterinary Day, and the health of animals across the globe, Veterinarians Without Borders launched the Animals and Ales Photo Contest, in partnership with Fixed Gear Brewing and Luppolo Brewing. Learn more.

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Meet Dr. Joseph Ansong-Danquah, a volunteer in Ghana through our VETS program

Meet Dr. Joseph Ansong-Danquah, a volunteer in Ghana through our VETS program

Meet Dr. Joseph Ansong-Danquah; a retired veterinarian from Canada who has been donating his time to help animals and communities throughout rural Ghana.

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Climate resilience: Responding to climate emergencies in the wake of climate change

Climate resilience: Responding to climate emergencies in the wake of climate change

Happy Earth Day! As climate change progresses, VWB/VSF is dedicated to helping animals and communities affected by climate-related natural disasters.

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National Volunteer Week: Meet Natalia, a recent VETS volunteer in Ghana

National Volunteer Week: Meet Natalia, a recent VETS volunteer in Ghana

Natalia shares all she learned during her recent VETS volunteer posting in Ghana, as a communications specialist.

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National Volunteer Week: Meet Tasha, a recent volunteer at our northern clinics

National Volunteer Week: Meet Tasha, a recent volunteer at our northern clinics

It's National Volunteer Week! To celebrate the incredible impact of VWB/VSF's volunteers, we're featuring five incredible volunteers who have made a significant impact for animals and communities.

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The benefits of biogas: How biogas training and implementation on farms in Kenya is making a difference

The benefits of biogas: How biogas training and implementation on farms in Kenya is making a difference

In Kenya, we're working through a One Health lens with on-the-ground volunteers and partners to help farmers implement biogas fuel systems on their farms.

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Veterinarians Without Borders Canada launches first webinar for animal health workers in Ukraine focused on preventing burn out with Dr. Marie Holowaychuk (DVM)

Veterinarians Without Borders Canada launches first webinar for animal health workers in Ukraine focused on preventing burn out with Dr. Marie Holowaychuk (DVM)

This free webinar series, focused on strengthening animal welfare capacity by connecting animal health workers in Ukraine with those across North America, will be run in both English and Ukrainian.

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VWB/VSF VETS volunteer alumni, Younoussa, on implementing best practices in pesticide use in Senegal

VWB/VSF VETS volunteer alumni, Younoussa, on implementing best practices in pesticide use in Senegal

VWB/VSF alumni VETS volunteer, Younoussa Barry, is an environmental and agroecology expert. He spent time training local farmers about best practices in pesticide use to help improve the quality of crops, while also ensuring people, animals, and the environment remain protected from the pesticide's potentially negative side effects.

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VWB/VSF communications volunteer, Natalia, celebrates Ghana's independence and investment in animal health

VWB/VSF communications volunteer, Natalia, celebrates Ghana's independence and investment in animal health

Natalia is currently working in Ghana as a communications volunteer. She recently celebrated Ghana's 66th year of independence in Accra with the GAPNET team and a very special guest.

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Women farmers accelerating community prosperity in Mukurwe-ini

Women farmers accelerating community prosperity in Mukurwe-ini

Through our VETS program, our volunteer gender specialists are supporting women in Kenya by increasing their farms' dairy production and animal health knowledge.

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Stories From Around The World

From Farm to Future: Empowering Women Dairy Farmers in Rural Kenya

From Farm to Future: Empowering Women Dairy Farmers in Rural Kenya

Ruth Wakariti's journey from smallholder farmer to community leader highlights the transformative impact of programs like VETS, empowering women to thrive in the dairy industry and contribute to sustainable rural development.

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Webinar: How Can Innovative Animal Health Delivery Models Lead the Fight Against Rabies?

Webinar: How Can Innovative Animal Health Delivery Models Lead the Fight Against Rabies?

Register now for our upcoming, live webinar to be held on September 27th, in recognition of World Rabies Day 2024, to explore how innovative animal health delivery models can lead the fight against rabies.

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VETS Volunteer Voices: Enhancing Dairy Production and Farmer Livelihoods in Kenya

VETS Volunteer Voices: Enhancing Dairy Production and Farmer Livelihoods in Kenya

#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field. Meet Dr. Muller Fotsac (DVM), an Animal Health Advisor Volunteer who spent 6 months in rural Kenya (January - June 2024).

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  • My voluntary assignments in Ghana for the past three years have dramatically improved animal production in terms of reducing mortality and increasing the size of the herd/flock.
    - Joseph Ansong-Danquah

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