Celebrating RVT Month: Meet VWB/VSF's Geneviève Douyon, RVT
In honour of RVT Month, meet VWB/VSF's Geneviève Douyon, a RVT who is working to support animal health across Canada's North.
In honour of RVT Month, meet VWB/VSF's Geneviève Douyon, a RVT who is working to support animal health across Canada's North.
#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field! Meet Dr. Keisha Harris, an alumni volunteer with VWB/VSF's Young Volunteer Program, who recently completed her placement in Ghana.
#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field! Meet Marley Blok, an alumni volunteer with VWB/VSF's Young Volunteer Program, who recently completed her placement in Ghana.
#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field! First up is Sandra Nyman, a member of our Young Volunteer Program, who recently completed her placement in Ghana.
Across Canada's North, access to veterinary care is extremely limited. Meet one Yellowknife resident, and Access to Care Award recipient, who is hoping to change that.
Across Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, VWB/VSF collaborates with local partners, tackling various diseases, including zoonotic threats like COVID-19, rabies, and anthrax, through farm animal vaccination campaigns. Recently, our VETS volunteers joined local partners in Ghana to help vaccinate sheep, goats, and cattle against anthrax.
Alumni VWB/VSF volunteer, Nicole Geddes, shares her insights and experiences volunteering as part of our Northern Animal Health Initiative.
Learn how Veterinarians Without Borders/Vétérinaires Sans Frontières and our alumni VETS volunteer, Nafhtari Wanjiku, have worked with local partners, and farmers like Ann Mwangi, in Kenya to promote sustainable dairy farming practices among small-scale farmers.
Keisha, Marley, and Sandra joined other animal health workers to vaccinate goats and sheep against PPR.
Meet Dr. Joseph Ansong-Danquah; a retired veterinarian from Canada who has been donating his time to help animals and communities throughout rural Ghana.
Danielle Legault, Program Officer at VWB, shares how climate-smart agriculture is transforming lives in Cambodia. Through AGROW and VETS, farmers like Yoeurn Yorn and Chhaem Chhoeurn are improving their livelihoods and leading their communities in building resilience against climate change.
#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field. Meet Harold Rudy, a Sustainable Agriculture Advisor who spent 3 months in rural Cambodia (September - December 2024).
In celebration of International Development Week (IDW) 2025, the Volunteer Cooperation Program (including VWB) invites all Canadians to showcase their impact through a social media contest. Enter today! Share your contributions to social, economic, and environmental change — at home and abroad.