A Collaborate Effort in Uganda Leads to Sustainable Change
Volunteer Nikki Sheedy shares her experience in Uganda as a second-time volunteer with Veterinarians Without Borders.
Volunteer Nikki Sheedy shares her experience in Uganda as a second-time volunteer with Veterinarians Without Borders.
Volunteer Shauna Richards shares her insight on the importance of the work Veterinarians Without Borders is doing, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Janna Schurer shares her experience working in Vietnam and creating a network of scientists with a focus on managing the threats of disease emergence.
Dr. Joseph Ansong-Danquah explains the importance of on-the-ground volunteer work that supports farmers engaged in animal production in Ghana.
Four Canadian volunteers share the story of their first week with Veterinarians Without Borders in Meru, Kenya.
#VETSVolunteerVoices #aims to brings you stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field. This blog was written by Karissa Gall, a Communications and Gender Advisor who supported our VETS program partner, WIPVaC-Apex, in Ghana earlier this year (January-February 2025).
The Animals & Ales Pet Photo Contest has officially come to a close! Over $170,000 raised for animals in need.
This article highlights the hidden impact of parasites in livestock, showcasing how VWB’s One Health initiatives in parasite prevention, veterinary training, and community education help protect farmers’ livelihoods, strengthen food security, and reduce zoonotic disease risks.