AGROW | Veterinarians Without Borders
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Agriculture-Based Growth and Resilience Opportunities for Women (AGROW)

Our AGROW program focuses on climate-smart farming, agricultural best practices, and related income-generating work for women in rural communities.

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Agriculture-based Growth and Resilience Opportunities for Women (AGROW)

Goal: Enhance the socio-economic resilience of women and girls through One Health approaches, focusing on sustainable agriculture and livestock production. 

Target Groups: Rural women, men, girls, and boys, with a focus on women and girls. 

Where: Cambodia (Ratanakmondul, Banan and Ek Phnom Districts in Battambang Province)

Duration: 2022-2024 (3 years)

Reach: AGROW will reach a total of 66,845 women and men in 48 villages.

The Situation

In Cambodia, nearly 80% of the population lives in rural areas, relying heavily on agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and forestry for their livelihoods. Despite an abundance of natural resources and favorable conditions for agricultural production, many rural Cambodians face food insecurity and low incomes due to poor farming techniques, limited access to technology, and weak commercialization networks. Women, who play a critical role in agriculture, often lack the necessary skills, resources, and support to increase production and access competitive markets.

What We Are Doing

In collaboration with local partners, key activities include:

Training and Support for Women Farmers: Providing training on environmentally sustainable agriculture and livestock production, focusing on cricket, chicken, and cattle farming, as well as vegetable crop management.

One Health Demonstration Sites: Establishing sites to showcase innovative, environmentally sustainable farming practices and promote farmer-to-farmer learning.

Resource Provision: Supplying inputs such as breeding heifers, artificial insemination for cattle, incubators for chicks and cricket eggs, and improved feed for livestock.

Community Health Days: Hosting events to disseminate information on public health, nutrition, and zoonotic disease prevention.

Value Addition and Market Access: Supporting women farmers in value-added processing, improving access to markets, and providing microfinance services through agricultural cooperatives.

Project Targets

AGROW aims to:

  • Directly benefit 4,260 households, reaching 20,022 household members (70% of whom are women).
  • Indirectly benefit an additional 46,775 household members.
  • Support 48 Village Animal Health Workers (VAHWs) as intermediary beneficiaries.

AGROW is possible because of generous funding by Global Affairs Canada.

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AGROW aims to establish sustainable agricultural practices that are integrated with national strategies in Cambodia. By training local actors and strengthening existing structures, the project ensures long-term impact and resilience.

Human Rights

The project centers on a rights-based approach, empowering women and girls as key actors in sustainable agriculture and livestock production. By addressing gender inequalities and improving access to resources, AGROW promotes health equity and economic well-being.

Gender Equality

AGROW includes a comprehensive Gender Equality Strategy, informed by a Rapid Gender Assessment (RGA) and ongoing gender assessments. Key strategies include:

  • Ensuring women's engagement and uptake in training and project activities.
  • Achieving gender parity in agricultural cooperatives and farmers groups.
  • Providing leadership training to women in agricultural cooperatives and farmers groups.
  • Supporting women in non-traditional farming roles, such as cattle rearing.


AGROW adopts climate-smart food production and diversification practices to minimize environmental impacts. One Health Demonstration Sites promote sustainable agriculture techniques and serve as on-farm learning opportunities. The project also includes Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) to inform and guide environmentally sustainable practices.

Partners in Cambodia

Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF): Established in 1991, AVSF Cambodia provides technical support to the Chamkar Dong Royal University of Agriculture. AVSF Cambodia activities focus on animal health, food security, and agroecology. (AVSF Cambodia is also a country partner on our VETS program.)

Agriculture Development Action (ADA): ADA is a Cambodian NGO established in 1998 with a mission to support vulnerable populations through sustainable agriculture and community development.

Your Support Means Everything

Veterinarians Without Borders North America/Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Amérique du Nord couldn't do the work we do without your support. Whether it's a financial donation or a donation of your time, by improving the health of animals you will be working to improve the health and quality of life for people throughout the world.


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  • I have seen first-hand the benefits of capacity building and gender empowerment for smallholder livestock farmers, and stakeholders in the livestock sector.
    - Dr. Shauna Richards

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